The Mandates of KVK
The basic approach of the KVK is “Teaching by Doing” and “Learning by doing”. The mandate of the KVK includes:
- On-Farm Testing to identify the location specificity of agricultural technologies under various farming systems.
- Front Line Demonstration to establish its production potential on farmers fields.
- Training of farmers and extension personnel to update their knowledge and skill in modern agriculture technologies.
- Work as resource and knowledge centre of agricultural technologies for supporting initiatives of public, private and voluntary sector for improving the agricultural economy of the district.
- To produce and make available technological products like seed, planting material, bio agents, young ones of livestock etc to the farmer
- To organize extension activities to create awareness about improved agricultural technologies to facilitate fast diffusion and adoption of technologies in agricultural and allied sector.
- To create awareness about improved technologies on larger area through innovative extension technique like field day, kisan mela, FFS, Publication, Bulletins, news paper coverage, website and e-extension etc.
Besides,the following subsidiary activities are very much important to fulfill the aims of the major activities.
- Participatory rural appraisal for need assessment in the farming system mode,
- Farmers – scientists interactions on farmers cultivation related problems and their solutions,
- Farmers’ fair and farmers’ day to demonstrate and exhibit latest technologies to the farming community in the KVK,
- Exposure visits for farmers, rural youth, and farm women,
- Animal health camp and awareness campaign
- Publication of extension literature for the farming community,
- Field days for on the spot evaluation of crop growth and yield etc.,
- Diagnostic field visit,
- Organizing self – help groups and farm science clubs,
- Follow up measures and impact assessment etc.